Hey all, this is just a quick update. I am going to add another page to this website where I will post your concept art. If you have a rate my drawings, or deviant art account, tell me about it. I may end up posting your best work on that page. All artists will be mentioned below their works, dont worry. Thanks everyone.
Currently, I am working on my first drawing request. All drawing requests will be posted on the home page. I am open to all drawing requests and art trades; I enjoy seeing other artists work. Finally, I have decided that I will be making drawing tutotial videos on youtube, and then posting them here. They will just be simple tutorials for beginning artists. Remember, almost all artists start out sketching simple things.
This is a place where you can post any art questions or requests for me, or just talk with other concept artists. Also, if you or a friend has a concept art website, feel free to post a link here.
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